Carsten Estermann – Handcrafted Engravings

Carsten Estermann ist Graveur aus Leidenschaft. Der Kölner ist mit seinem Handwerk Vorreiter in Deutschland. Fest etabliert in der Motorrad- und Custom Szene, graviert er außerdem für den traditionellen Barbershop und produziert Kleinserien für namhafte Unternehmen. Dabei arbeitet er mit verschiedensten Materialien wie Glas und Metall.
Seine Gravuren sind detailverliebte und vollständig von Hand gefertigte Unikate, die einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.

The art of engraving is the passion and purpose in life for Carsten Estermann.
In Germany, the Cologne-based artist is a pioneer in his handcraft.
Carsten is a highly specialized craftsman in the international motorcycle and custom scene. He also works with materials such as glass and mirrors for example for Barbershops. Further more he produces limited editions for well-known companies.
His engravings show his obsession with an attention to detail in every aspect of the work. Each piece is unique, fully made by hand and never fails to make a deep and long lasting impression.


Here I will show you handengraved motorcycles and bike parts. I always liked the combination between Custombikes and art. So here is what I do with love and full passion. Hope you like it!


Engraved, Kustom Cars , Hot Rods and Lowrider is what I want to show you in this category. For me the passion for the Kustom Kulture scene starts with one of these unique cars.


From time to time I do handengraved goods, unique products and exiting projects beyond the bike and car scene. Each part is one of a kind and made by hands. You are interested in a personal Zippo or other fine stuff? Please let me know!


Nice stories, publications and fresh stuff! You want to know more about me and my current projects, please follow me on Instagram.